Taking your time to run a script from the command prompt is always a good idea, since you get more information, and you can find out what can be done if something goes wrong. Alternatively, you can open a command prompt, type in the name of the batch file you want to run, along with the target mod's path if you want the window to stay on the screen and see if everything went smoothly. To process a mod, you can simply drag and drop its folder over one of these executables, and the scripts will run right away.

Once you extract Skyrim-NX-Toolkit's components, you will find a series of BAT files in its main folders, which you can use to convert mods, pack and unpack them, and even for creating a mirror image of your game's load order. Its components come in a ZIP archive, and you don't have to install anything, but you should follow the developer's descriptions and instructions carefully, because you may have to install some prerequisite tools.

It's essentially a collection of scripts, which you have to use on your mods. Skyrim-NX-Toolkit is not a traditional software application. If you ever wanted to use that custom weapon you were always looking at on the Nexusmods website in your Switch game, this handy utility can make it possible. Another advantage is that the re-release is available for a wide range of platforms, including the Nintendo Switch, and if you wish to add mods to this version, Skyrim-NX-Toolkit can help you, by converting Skyrim SE mods into a format that's compatible with the Nintendo Switch. You can have new weapons and armor, better graphics, new gameplay mechanics and many other elements which can make it a completely different game. One of the things that make The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim one of the best games is the fact that it provides excellent support for modding.