Which is going to be great for pure single target but even good in mythic pluses because you will be refreshing slice and dice with an Envenom and that means you will get regular Envenoms not just inside of your ship. With Cut to the Chase being reintroduced to the spec, replacing those slice and dice refreshes with Envenoms. It is very single target focused so it’s not that great in AOE but still really good even in mythic pluses.Īssassination changes with 9.0.5 looks like it is going back to that BFA play style where you can use Envenoms far more often.

So think of it as getting one of your better trinkets into a third trinket slot and that is what basically the bleed for legendary does. And while you think it’s not a lot or a big bleed, it’s about 3% or 4% of your overall damage based on sims but also based on actual playing with this legendary.ģ% / 4% does not sound like a lot but that’s about where some of our better trinkets are for Rogues.

One because the extra damage it does makes you immutably do extra damage. So Doomblade legendary ends up working really well for it. And just how much raw damage you can pack into it inside even that Vendetta, it gives Assassination the single target focus. You have the ability to cleave the DoTs but there is just so much more impact with shiv and envenoms. Vendetta only gets put on one single target and with so many different tools for you to do more damage to that one target. Also, when you look at the overall changes Assassination is playing with 9.0.5, it synergizes super well into its single target focused play style.Īssassination has always been a spec that’s purely single target because your biggest button / burst ability is Vendetta. This legendary saw pretty decent buffs when it comes to patch 9.0.5.